The club where sailing is in focus

In English

Hangö Segelförening r.f. (HSF), founded in 1906, is engaged in sailing activities and aims to promote interest in yachting, racing and maritime safety. The corner stones of the activities on land are the pavilion with the restaurant in the Eastern Harbor of Hanko and the association’s “archipelago- harbor” Kaldoholmen south of Kasnäs. Youth activities are led by HSF’s sailing schoolers and the association’s Zoom8 and optimist dinghies are used to teach sailing techniques and maritime safety. Regional, national and international sailing regattas require licensed officers and therefore HSF strives to continuously train new and existing officials. Since 2017, the association operates guest harbor activities in the Eastern Harbor through the wholly owned subsidiary Oy HSF Marine Ab (Ltd).
Welcome as a member!


Stay tuned for more information of the F18 Nordic Championships 7-9.9.2018
the 6 mR World Cup World Cup 2-9.8.2019!

Greetings from Mikael Lindqvist, Commodore HSF

Tomorrow is a big day, so the Open Week will start and open up the European Class World Championship races. This is the first time the competition is held in Hanko. What makes Hanko so special and the best place to hold the event this year? That’s a good question actually. I think one good […]

Accommodation and activities in Hanko

Hanko is a major sailing centre in Finland, offering excellent sailing conditions, a large harbour and an experienced race organisation. Hanko is also famous for its beautiful villas and sandy beaches, which attract a lot of visitors especially during summer. Photo: Esko Tuomisto  

Years of experience